Utility Rates, Impact Fees and Development Fee Studies RFP


The Town of Hideout, Utah is requesting proposals from qualified financial consultants to conduct utility rate, development and other fees and impact fee studies.

The intent of the studies is to independently assess and evaluate the Town of Hideout’s existing utility rates (water, sewer, storm water); evaluation of existing community development (all planning, engineering and building permit fees) and to evaluate impact fees regarding water, sewer, storm water and transportation.

The broad objective of the studies is to adequately fund utility operations, capital costs and to evaluate the potential for bonded debt, while minimizing rates; evaluate whether development and other fees are adequate and to assess the feasibility of implementing impact fees based on existing facility master plans.

The studies will be based on a comprehensive review of the Town’s utility funds and budgets, comprehensive plans, customer classes, current usage data, future planned growth, existing contractual agreements and any other information deemed necessary.

Town Contact Information:

Jan McCosh
Town Administrator TOWN OF HIDEOUT
Phone: (435) 776-6066
Email: jmccosh@hideoututah.gov

Responses are due before 5:00 p.m., January 25, 2022. Proposals received after the submittal deadline will not be considered. Responders shall submit original in digital format, and one hard copy marked as “Original.” The proposal must be clearly marked as “Utility/Impact Fee/Community Development Fee” and delivered to:

Attn: Jan McCosh, Town Administrator
10860 N. Hideout Trail
Hideout, UT 84036

Digital copies may be emailed to: jmccosh@hideoututah.gov

Required Qualifications:

The consultant shall have experience in analyzing Utility Rates, Capital Costs, Impact Fees, Bonded Debt, Development Fees within the State of Utah.


The consultant will be required to provide all service and work to complete the required rate studies for each utility and for community development and other fees. Existing capital improvement plans and existing master plans should be evaluated to determine the financial components of impact fees.

The consultant should include in the scope of work the gathering and analysis of data, periodic meetings with Town staff, volunteer committees (where applicable), contracted professionals, and a presentation to Town Council.

The studies are to be performed in conformance with the following policy directions:

  1. The recommended rate structures shall be based on cost of service, cost of planned capital improvements, consideration of sound financial policies and shall be sufficient to meet the revenue requirements of the Town of Hideout.
  2. The studies shall recommend rate structures and fees that consider and make provisions for the following factors:
    1. Current and future costs of providing utility services in accordance with established and anticipated standards and regulations
    2. Projected demands
    3. Availability of supply (seasonal fluctuations and long-term availability)
    4. Age and condition of systems
    5. Funding requirements for all current long-term liabilities and potential debt obligations

Evaluation Process:

All proposals in response to this RFP will be evaluated in a manner consistent with the Town of Hideout’s procurement code and all applicable rules and policies.

The evaluation process shall be based on factors such as experience and qualifications, demonstrated understanding of the project, methodology to deliver the desired end product and cost. Additional interviews may be conducted as needed.