Notice of Public Hearings


Public notice is hereby given that the Hideout Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 6:00 pm, for the following purposes:

  1. Discuss and possibly make a recommendation to Town Council regarding a final Subdivision approval for the Shoreline Phase 4 subdivision; and
  2. *Discuss and possibly make a recommendation to Town Council regarding an amendment of the Official Town of Hideout Zoning Map to rezone parcel 00-0020-8164 (Wildhorse Development) from Mountain (M) zone to Neighborhood Mixed Use (NMU). This development is located on the northern side of SR-248, between the Woolf property and the Klaim Subdivision.

Upon a positive recommendation of any or all of the above items, the Hideout Town Council will hold a subsequent Public Hearing on Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 6:00 pm for the following purposes:

  1. Discuss and possibly approve the final subdivision for the Shoreline Phase 4 Subdivision; and
  2. *Discuss and possibly approve an amendment of the Official Town of Hideout Zoning Map to rezone parcel 00-0020-8164 (Wildhorse Development) from Mountain (M) zone to Neighborhood Mixed Use (NMU). This development is located on the northern side of SR-248, between the Woolf property and the Klaim Subdivision.

These meetings will be held electronically via Zoom, and in-person at Hideout Town Hall, located at 10860 N. Hideout Trail, Hideout, Utah, 84036. Public comments are welcome and can be made in person or by dialing or logging into Zoom Conferencing using the following:   

Dial-In: 1-408-638-0986   Meeting ID: 435 659 4739
Meeting URL: 

Public comments may also be sent via email to All comments will be distributed to the Planning Commission and legislative body and entered into public record. Comments must be received prior 12:00 pm (noon) on the day of the meeting in order to be considered.

Additionally, this meeting may be accessed via YouTube at: 
Please note: No public comment will be taken via YouTube.

Published, posted and mailed 09/09/2024

*This Courtesy Notice was sent to all private property owners and affected entities pursuant to Utah State Code 10-9a-205. Pursuant to Utah State Code 10-9a-205, the owner of real property may, no later than ten (10) days after the day of the first public hearing (September 19, 2024), file a written objection to the inclusion of the owner’s property in the proposed zoning map amendment. That objection should be filed at Hideout Town Hall, located at 10860 N Hideout Trail, Hideout, UT 84036. Each written objection filed with the municipality will be provided to the municipal legislative body.

All meeting agendas, materials, and Zoom and YouTube links can be found by visiting 




Emergency Alert 09-26-2024: Dear Hideout Residents, PLEASE BE ADVISED that there has been an accident at the Ross Creek entrance on Shoreline Drive at Belaview Way, which has resulted in a closure of the road from Belaview Way to Deer Waters. Please avoid the area while the Wasatch County Sheriff’s Office conducts their investigation. We will keep you informed on when the road has been reopened. Thank you, Alicia Fairbourne Recorder for Hideout