We welcome the Utah Supreme Court’s recent decision allowing Hideout’s annexation of land in the area known as Richardson Flat to proceed. This ruling affirms our commitment to working collaboratively with our local government colleagues and community partners to achieve progressive planning goals and address the critical infrastructure needs of our growing community. This decision provides a unique opportunity for us to find common ground with our partners in neighboring communities on issues such as access to services, traffic congestion, air quality, and improved trail connectivity. As the Wasatch Back region continues to grow as a world-class destination for people to live, work, and play, we look forward to engaging in constructive dialogue that benefits all parties. We believe that good communication is the foundation of strong and healthy communities, and that we can help solve important regional challenges by fostering strong relationships throughout the Wasatch Back.
We are in the early stages of planning some opportunities in the coming months for stakeholders to gather with the leaders of Hideout to discuss the best way we can all work together and leverage this opportunity to the greatest benefit of our entire region.