PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hideout Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, December 16, 2024 at 6:00 pm, for the purpose of consideration and possible recommendation to the Hideout Town Council of a resolution adopting the Hideout Town Engineering Standard Specifications and Drawings Manual and an ordinance amending Title 10 related to Engineering, Development and Design Standards.
The continued Public Hearing from the November 21 Planning Commission Meeting regarding the final subdivision approval for the Shoreline Phase 4 subdivision will be continued to a date uncertain. No public comment will be taken during this meeting.
This meeting will be held electronically via Zoom, and in-person at Hideout Town Hall, located at 10860 N. Hideout Trail, Hideout, Utah, 84036. Public comments are welcome and can be made in person or by dialing or logging into Zoom Conferencing using the following:
Dial-In: 1-408-638-0986 Meeting ID: 435 659 4739
Meeting URL:
Public comments may also be sent via email to All comments will be distributed to the Planning Commission and entered into public record. Comments must be received prior 12:00 pm (noon) on the day of the meeting in order to be considered.
Additionally, this meeting may be accessed via YouTube at:
*Please note: No public comment will be taken via YouTube.
All meeting agendas, materials, and Zoom and YouTube links can be found by visiting
Published and posted 12/6/2024
Alicia Fairbourne
Recorder for Hideout