PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Hideout Town Council will hold an Electronic Public Hearing on Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 6:00 pm, as provided by Ordinance 2020-03. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss, with possible approval, the tentative Town Budget for the fiscal year 2020-2021. Copies of the proposed tentative budget are available for review at the Town Office, 10860 North Hideout Trail, Hideout.
The hearing will be accessible via ZOOM Conferencing. Interested parties may join by dialing in as follows: Dial-In: 1-408-638-0986, Meeting ID: 435 659 4739. Meeting URL:
Those needing special accommodation for these hearings should contact the Town Clerk at 435-659-4739 at least three days prior to the scheduled hearings.